Library Books


Support vulnerable children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Your gift will purchase children’s books in French to stock our new library.

Every Restore Elikia donation is tax-deductible.

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In the heart of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, amidst its vast landscapes and vibrant cultures, children and orphans are yearning for a window to the universe of knowledge and imagination. Books, more than just pages bound together, are bridges to dreams, sources of inspiration, and tools for empowerment.

Today, we invite you to embark on a transformative mission with us. With your generous contribution, we can fill library shelves with tales of courage, science, history, and wonder, giving these eager young minds the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. This is more than just donating books; it’s planting seeds of curiosity, fostering creativity, and shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

Imagine the sparkle in a child’s eyes as they journey through magical realms, or the passion of a young orphan finding solace and guidance in the words of heroes past. You have the power to make this vision a reality.

Join us in writing a new chapter for the children of the DRC. Together, let’s turn the page towards a future enriched by knowledge. Donate today, and be a part of their story.

Every Restore Elikia donation is tax-deductible.



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